Author | Choi, Jeongwon, Lee, YoungJun |
Date | 2016. 12 |
AbstractSTEAM education has begun to improve the problem from teaching segmented subject knowledge at schools, while the problems faced in real life or discipline appear in a fusion of knowledge of various fields. A variety of training programs have been developed and operated to train teachers capable of doing this for successful STEAM education. However, the effect on teacher knowledge and practical expertise needed to foster the realization of fusion talent training are often ending with a one-time via the Survey of teachers. In addition, the results of these training effects are not sufficiently fed back to improve teacher training. Therefore, in this study, the effect of training for teacher training of convergent talent education is analyzed comprehensively and suggested improvement plan of teacher training based on this analysis. |
2024.03.24 23:22
How to Improve Teacher Training for STEAM Education
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