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A Research of Activity Related to Convergence Teaching and Learning Methods Using Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Mathematics Courses for Gifted Students
Author Mun, Sae-Hyeon
Date 2024. 03


This study studied convergence teaching and learning activities using artificial intelligence in an advanced mathematics course for gifted students. The goal is to present a vision for developing a convergent advanced mathematics learning environment for gifted students who will lead the cutting-edge artificial intelligence academia. To this end, in this study, the linear system of advanced mathematics courses related to artificial intelligence technology was used as an educational material, and a scenario involving teaching and learning activities, in which convergence activities were carried out, was developed. In addition, in order to improve the educational environment for gifted students in the future, a high school classroom environment was assumed and presented using artificial intelligence technology that is not currently applied in the educational environment. To enhance the potential for practical application, the opinions of mathematics and informatics teachers employed at actual gifted schools were collected twice during the development process. Their feedback was incorporated to finalize the scenario. This study is expected to be helpful in developing systems and programs suitable for the teaching and learning process of gifted school students. By presenting the scenario development process, this study may also have implications for researchers who wish to develop related scenarios in the future.

Keywords: convergence education, gifted education, artificial intelligence, advanced mathematics, scenario

