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  • spring2021
    Call for papers: Convergence (STEAM) Education in the Age of COVID and Beyond

    All of humankind has suffered because of an uninvited guest called Coronavirus. Recently, with Coronavirus, we have begun to move forward with daily recovery. Nevertheless, it seems almost impossible to express in a few words the pain and suffering during the pandemic. In the post-Coronavirus era, what we want here and now is to return to our previous daily life. However, mankind cannot go back to the way things used to be. A group of scholars has characterized the future human being who will lead a completely different life as ‘Corona Sapiens’.

    The dominant logic of exploiting nature, mechanical thinking, and the dichotomy of thought separating nature from humans have brought about the present crisis, which encompasses widespread environmental or ecological degradation, the display of competitiveness and selfishness as the fundamental human characteristics, the estrangement of people from aspects of their true human nature, the gap between the rich and the poor, and global warming, etc. The arrival of a crisis is a signal to change the worldview we have used so far. The change of a worldview is required in the post-Coronavirus era in order to move toward new societies, where people can live together by discarding the logic of anti-life that disregards nature as part of satisfying human selfishness. With this context in mind, we should ask questions concerning what the new paradigm that education would advance should be and what convergence education could explore in the Coronavirus era and beyond Coronavirus. This conference has as its theme convergence education in the post-Coronavirus era to build the society of the future.

    COVID-19 has provided an opportunity to rethink the role of schools. Before COVID-19, disappointment with offline school education was growing because of problems such as knowledge-delivery-oriented education, students sleeping in the classroom, students not being interested in learning, and students without basic academic skills. These problems led to skepticism about the roles of schools and teachers and even about the usefulness of schools. In contrast, education that overcomes the limitations of time and space by using virtual reality, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things as well as AI learning assistants or mentors is believed to enhance their self-learning ability, enabling personalized and adapted learning. Expectations for Edutech-based education during COVID-19 were growing. However, we realized that Edutech solutions still have a long way to go; all-out online education is not user-friendly and is not particularly helpful for the educationally disadvantaged. Of course, the shortcomings were also due to the lack of preparation for online education, but the COVID-19 education grand experiment showed that there is still a role that only offline schools can play. Thus, it is time for us to diagnose how we should define the role of schools in the post-Coronavirus era. Likewise, it is necessary to diagnose what the role of convergence education will be in the post-Coronavirus era. Even if this crisis was unavoidable in the context of Coronavirus, after it has passed, we should be able to create a desirable educational new normal suited to the characteristics of humans, education, and the current state of convergence education.

    Futurists argue that in the not-too-distant future, humanity will again face unpredictable agendas triggered by climate change, food, environment, and energy. And it is expected that the ability to solve the problems faced by the complexity of modern society will be grounded in convergence thinking. This prediction was actually proven through the COVID-19 pandemic, which halted all social activities around the world for several months and caused numerous deaths. Therefore, in the ‘age of great transformation’, convergence thinking, problem-solving ability, and the nurturing of talented people with such abilities are more emphasized. Even if Coronavirus is overcome in the future, there may be a comparable disaster. What should convergence education look like for a new paradigm shift in education in the post-Coronavirus era? This conference welcomes all discussions that interrogate convergence education and a new paradigm shift in education in the age of Coronavirus and beyond. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

    1) Exploring the Value of Convergence (STEAM) Education for Future-making
    2) Attempts at Convergence (STEAM) Education throughout the COVID-19 Era, and Convergence (STEAM) Education Standards Post-COVID-19
    3) Convergence (STEAM) Education’s Roles and Tasks in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals after COVID-19

    You can submit your abstract at

    Abstract Submission Deadline (Paper/Poster) October 15/ 2022
  • fall 2022
    fall 2022
  • Timetable
    Korea Standard Time
    (Central European Summer Time)
    Program Run Time
    Opening Session Moderator: Mi-hye Kim (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
    ZOOM (ID: 833 6102 0947 / Password: 920389)
    Opening Address: Seoung-Hey Paik
    Chairman, International Society for the Advancement of STEAM, Korea
    Congratulatory address: Chungwon Cho
    Chairperson, Foundation for the Advancement of STEAM, Korea
    Keynote Remarks Moderator: Mi-hye Kim (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
    ZOOM (ID: 833 6102 0947 / Password: 920389)
    Rinus Roelofs, “Folding Polyhedra - Polyhedra with 90° Dihedral Angles”
    Sculptor, Netherlands
    Zhongwei Jiang, “Trial and practice on open innovation education with interdisciplinary student cohorts”
    Yamaguchi University, Japan
    Session 1 Live Oral Presentations Moderator: Young-Hoon Kim (Korea National University of Education, Korea)
    ZOOM (ID: 833 6102 0947 / Password: 920389)
    Pamela Burnard, Laura Colucci-Gray, and Carolyn Cooke
    University of Cambridge, UK
    University of Edinburgh, UK
    The Open University, UK
    “The ‘vital materialism’ of ‘making-with’ inanimate things and ‘thing-power’ : Future-making with convergence(STEAM) education” 70‘
    Christopher S. Brownell, Kristof Fenyvesi, Tiina Makellä, Janika Leoste, Takumi Yada, Marja Tulle, Zsolt Lavicza
    Jyväskylä University, Finland
    Jyväskylä University, Finland
    Jyväskylä University, Finland
    Tallinn University, Estonia
    Jyväskylä University, Finland
    Tallinn University, Estonia
    Johannes Kepler University, Austria
    “A framework for digital competence development in STEAM education”
    Eun Young Jung, Hee jin Kim
    Korea National University of Education,Korea
    “Situating Rimington’s Experiments with Color Music within Interdisciplinary Research and Convergence Education”
    Break Time 20'
    Carla M.A. Pinto, Lurdes Babo and Jorge Mendonça
    Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
    “What does a Gen Zer expect from a Math Course in Higher Education?” 70'
    Charlotte Graham
    Tångvalla School, Sweden
    Exploring the value of integrative teaching for future-oriented education
    Daeyong Shin, Heeyoung Cha, and Young-Hoon Kim
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “D.N.A. (Data, Network, A.I.)-based ePBL model development and application to elementary school convergence class”
    Session 2 Live Oral Presentations Moderator: Heejin Kim (Korea National University of Education, Korea)
    ZOOM (ID: 615 621 1648 / Password: 3641)
    Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picarda, Sara Hershkovitz
    Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
    Levinsky-Wingate Academic College, Israel
    “How the Covid-19 crisis helped to enhance convergence in STEAM Education” 70'
    Natalija Budinskia
    School Petro Kuzmjak, Serbia
    “Motivating girls to develop and maintain interest in STEM”
    Farida Nurhasanah, Masganti Sit, and Fibri Rakhmawati
    Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
    State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
    “Promoting STEAM for Early Childhood Education through Traditional Games”
    Break Time 20'
    Soyul Yi and YoungJun Lee
    Soonchunhyang University, Korea
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “Development of Artificail Intelligence Teachers' Training Course about Informatics, Mathematics, and Science Convergence Education for Secondary School Teachers ” 70'
    Michael James Acerra
    Lux Blox LLC, USA
    The Educational Efficacy of a Convergence Educational Tool Derived from a Min/Max, Minimum Inventory/Maximum Diversity System
    Péter Négyesi
    Eszterházy Károly University, Hungary
    “The impact of the COVID-19 era on the use of e-learning systems in Hungary’s mathematics education”
    Session 3. Pre-recorded Session on YouTube
    Go kyoung Kim, and Seoung-Hey Paik
    Korea national university of education, Korea
    “History and flow of gifted education in Korea”
    Min-young Lee, and Kyung-chul Kim
    Korea national university of education, Korea
    “The practice of convergence education shown through the utilization of records by early childhood teacher”
    Songlee Han, Yangjin Noh
    Dongguk University, Korea
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “Analyzing Higher Education Instructors’ perception on Metaverse based Education”
    Session 4. Poster Session on Facebook
    DongWoo Kang, Seoung-Hey Paik
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “Development of spectrophotometry education program using smartphone's illuminance sensor”
    MinJeong Park, Seoung-Hey Paik
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “The effect of project-type SW convergence education programs on the convergence problem-solving ability of elementary school students and software-related career orientation”
    Seo-Yoon Jang, Seoung-Hey Paik
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “Impact of Living Lab projects on improving convergent thinking – Humanities High School Convergence Club Centered on Students”
    Dong Yeob Jeong
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “An autoethnography of a music teacher on the development of music-centered convergence classes in the 1st and 3rd grades of middle school : Emphasis on Humanities and social sciences, Mathematics, Art”
    Jisuh Kim
    Korea National University of Education, Korea
    “Directions for A-STEAM Program using Augmented Reality (AR) : Focused on Critical Analyses of AR Art” 
  • Who will join us?
    • A Student, teacher, researcher, professor, entrepreneur who has a membership in ISAS. To become a member of ISAS, Please sign up in our website Detail (Click)

    Participation as… :
    • Oral presenter, workshop presenter, poster presenter, audience, etc. Detail (Click)

    ICAS 2022 will be held online:
    • According to the international environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Online Link information will be announced on our website.

  • Instrucutions for Authors


    This conference welcomes all discussions that interrogate convergence education and a new paradigm shift in education in the age of Coronavirus and beyond. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

    • 1) Exploring the Value of Convergence (STEAM) Education for Future-making

    • 2) Attempts at Convergence (STEAM) Education throughout the COVID-19 Era, and Convergence (STEAM) Education Standards Post-COVID-19

    • 3) Convergence (STEAM) Education’s Roles and Tasks in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals after COVID-19

    Submission Guidelines

    Please follow the submission guidelines.

    1. Oral Presentation - Live streaming presentation using the ICAS
    * abstract form.
    2. Oral Presentation - Pre-record presentation using the ICAS
    * abstract form.
    3. Online-Poster - Please submit using the ICAS
    teachers using the ICAS * poster form

    ICAS 2022 is calling for abstract submissions.

    • Please submit your abstract or poster on [Menu-Conference-Abstract Submission] no later than October 15.

    • Please send your pre-recorded video to our email only those involved.)

    • Oral presentation and workshop abstract should be completed in English(maximum 300 words)

    • Please refer to the attached form and send in a brief biography with your photo together.

    • Contact us :

    ICAS Abstract format ICAS Poster template
  • Important Steps Deadline
    Abstract Submission Deadline (Paper/Poster) October 15/ 2022
    Conference Day October 21/ 2022

    Please submit your abstract or poster to our website [Abstract Submission] no later than October 15.
    You can download the required format on our Website [Instruction for Authors]. Choose the right format for your participating session.

    Detailed information for the live/ pre-recorded/ poster presenters will be provided on [Instruction for Authors].
